Six purrfect fluffballs 🐱

Is there anything cuter than a fluffy kitten? What about SIX fluffy kittens?!? Like all newborns, kittens require a lot of care and attention to grow big and strong. This mama cat and her sweet kittens are no different!

Assuming they all remain healthy, it will cost roughly $2,000 to feed this precious family and provide them with all the medical care they need before they’re ready for adoption. In between the playful romping and tiny meows, these kitties will be given a fecal test and deworming treatment, a combo test for feline leukemia and FIV, two FVRCP vaccines, a rabies vaccine, a flea treatment, a spay or neuter surgery, and a microchip.

As you can see, the adoption fee only covers a small portion of the investment HHS makes in our kitties; Cash for Cats helps us make up the difference. It is because of supporters like you that we are able to rescue cats and kittens, and provide them with necessary medical attention, before placement in loving, forever homes!

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